Anti-aging serums are a type of skincare designed to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. The anti-aging serum will penetrate deep into the skin’s layers and help it regenerate by stimulating collagen production. The regenerated collagen helps tighten up the skin and reduces wrinkles.
Anti-aging serums target the three main signs of aging: wrinkles, age spots, and enlarged pores. They do this by reducing the number of free radicals in your skin, which helps prevent sun damage, boosts collagen production, and increases cellular turnover for smoother skin.
Anti-Aging Serum: Beauty beyond brands without breaking the budget!
If I had a dollar for every time someone would say they wish they’d look like the girls on TV, I’d be in Bora right now – my bum on the sand, Tequila in my hand.
Nowadays, most of us believe that somehow looking a certain way will mean that people will love you more, right?

The socially dictated idea of superFACIAL beauty – smooth, blemish-free, picture-perfect skin.
Pfftt! Absurd!
Back in the day, I’ve always felt insecure, ashamed, and sometimes even disgusted about how I look.
I’d be the ugliest if Gollum and Pepper (American Horror Story: Freakshow) made babies.
Okay, probably I overreacted a bit, but you get the gist.
I know you also go through that ordeal with yourself (well, maybe less dramatic than mine).
You get so consumed about how you should look that you buy all those costly beauty products on Instagram.
Scroll. Scroll. Pause.

Oh, look! So pretty!
Click. Click. Buy.
Bye-bye, food money.
In this beautiful ride, I will show you how I made my own anti-aging serum without breaking my budget, my learning throughout the process, and how I could create effortless anti-aging serum and get results as early as 2 weeks.
Well, stop wasting your money on expensive Anti-Aging Serum!
Listen here, baby girl! I will tell you my secret about how I made my anti-aging face serum without breaking my budget!
I only spent around $4.00 on my anti-aging face serum.
You heard me right!
You’ll be amazed at how much this face serum can do without you having to break your budget or sweat!
I’m not saying that what I made is better than the branded beauty products; all I’m saying is that it’s been very effective for me so far.
Have some faith, fabulous!
You’ll instantly feel something different after using this serum.
Guurrrlll! I got you! Here are the deets on my miracle in a bottle concoction.

2 TBSP. Sweet Almond Oil
2 TBSP. Rosehip Seed Oil
10 drops of Cypress Essential Oil
10 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil
7 drops of Lavender Essential Oil
I wanted to spend as little as possible, so instead of buying the glass bottle with an eyedropper, I used the vials I had saved from studying nursing year.
I always love keeping things that I feel I’ll be able to use in the future; I guess it paid off!
Some of the essential oils sold don’t come with a dropper, so if you’re one of the unlucky few who don’t have any, don’t fret!
I have a stupendously simple yet brilliant solution for you.
Yep! All you need is a piece of straw and good finger coordination.
Trust me, I’ve done that before, and it works!
Right before my nephew turned 2, he got sick.
His mother was away for work, and I had to give him his medicine.
Due to my lack of patience in finding the medicine dropper (don’t give me that look, I was having an all-nighter HIMYM movie marathon), I grabbed a straw (no worries, it was clean; Or to phrase it more professionally, it was sterile) and did it the Macgyver way.
Here’s how you can do it too.
Just suck up some liquid into the straw.
Don’t do it too hard; you don’t want to taste any of the oil. Blah!
Hold the liquid in when you think you have enough in the straw.
Do this by covering the top of the straw with your finger. Again, this is where good finger coordination is needed.
No worries, you’ll get the hang of it!
After this, just release your finger so lightly that the oil drips down one drop at a time.
Use a sturdy straw for this!
Come on, If it’s stupid and works, it ain’t stupid! Am I right?
Anti-Aging Serum: What to do?
Okay, so back to the topic. How did I do it?
It’s a no-brainer to do this. Just mix all the essential oils – and voila! Your very own anti-aging serum.
What?! Really? It’s just that simple? – YEP!
Just remember to do the drops very slowly and very carefully.
Now, add those oils to your cart, click that buy button and purchase those babies.

Trust me, you’ll love it!
I dug into the best ingredients to use in serum and found that these five ingredients work great together!
They’re amazing!
If you are wondering where I got my inspiration from, please do click on this link!

What is so great about almonds?
As the saying goes – great things come in small packages.
Almonds might be small, but they are powerful.
They’re not just nutritious nuts you can snack on, but they pack a lot of protein, vitamins, and minerals, which are considered nourishing and revitalizing.
There are 2 kinds of almonds that you should know.
You might be wondering, aren’t all almonds sweet and edible? Well nope!
There’s the bitter kind – bitter than your ex seeing you spark like the fourth of July. HA-HAH!!!
Bitter almonds have been used in small amounts for flavoring in the past, but because of their potential for toxicity (just like your ex – thank goodness you got out!), everyone stopped using them.
Its only benefit is its scent (Just because it smells good doesn’t mean it’s good for you).
Sweet almond oil, on the other hand, is a potent antioxidant.
Thanks to the vitamins, sweet almond oil keeps your skin healthy, reduce acne, and protects your skin from the sun’s harmful rays.

With the fast-paced world that we live in, we can’t deny the fact that we are exposed to a lot of pollutants every day, no matter how much we try to protect ourselves.
Don’t be alarmed; the rosehip seed oil is jam-packed with antioxidants.
It helps strengthen the skin’s protective barrier creating a face fortress against harmful toxins.
If you want to minimize spots and wrinkles on your face or what I like to refer to them as beauty marks, then rosehip seed oil is one of the best extracts you can rub on that beautiful face of yours.
Not only is it great for anti-aging, but it also moisturizes skin deep and promotes skin regeneration.
This means that it can improve your skin and reduce those fine lines.
Why You Need To Buy Carrier Oils For Your Anti-Aging Serum
Just like the reason you apply sunscreen on your skin on a hot, summer’s day when you want to enjoy the blazing weather.
You don’t want to go out under the sun with that itsy bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow polka dot bikini and come back home looking like a piece of bacon because you forgot your sun-protecting lotion.

The main reason for sunscreen is to protect your skin from the sun’s harmful rays, just like the main reason for carrier oils is to protect your skin from the strong chemicals that essential oils have.
To simplify it, it’s called carrier oils mainly because they carry the essential oil deep down to your skin.
Simple as that!
You need to properly dilute the essential oils before you can use them.
Some essential oils have a powerful chemical component that, applying directly to your beautiful skin, will be harmful.
Now you don’t want any damaging toxins kissing your skin, right?
Just remember!
Carrier oils carry essential oils.
Now let’s dive deeper and find out what essential oils offer.

One great benefit of cypress oils is that it helps flush out toxins from the body.
When your acne grows a face (Well, that’s what my mom would always joke about whenever my younger sister experienced acne breakouts), you should use cypress oils because it helps clear out acne, improves the appearance of oily skin, and helps cleanse the pores.
Cypress essential oil is excellent at controlling pimples and has a potent astringent property that enables skin toning.

Do you still remember when you used to go camping with your buddies, and your mom would always pack you a bottle of tea tree oil to keep those pesky mosquitos away?
Well, kudos to your mom because she knows her essential oils well!
Tea tree oil thwarts those nasty little buggers, and they’re also great for your skin.
Tea tree oil’s anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties are excellent for treating acne and can prevent oily skin.
Treat oily skin with oil.
Yep! I’m not kidding!
If you have an oily skin problem, you’ll probably fall in love with tea tree essential oil.
Tea trees have antiseptic properties that may contribute to their ability to fight oily skin.

Lavender is not only used for calming your nerves when you repeatedly told the server not to put tomatoes in your burger, and you still got served with tomatoes in your burger.
No Susan! I can’t just remove the tomatoes now and pretend everything is fine. My burgers are already tainted with it!
Lavender helps you deal with these kinds of inconveniences and more!
Not only is lavender essential oil an excellent organic moisturizer, but its antibacterial properties kill bacteria that penetrate your pores.
It’s very light on the skin.
Use it as a primer! It will give you smooth coverage and, at the same time, heal your skin.
And, of course, the epitome of all the benefits of lavender essential oil – its anti-aging properties.
With all the stress you’re experiencing, right now is the best time to protect yourself against wrinkles, fine lines, and dark spots.
The antioxidants in lavender will help protect against all those beauty marks.
Less is always more!
Don’t go crazy when you apply the serum.
The skin absorbs serum more quickly, so applying just enough will do the trick!

It depends on how often you apply it to your face, but I use it only at night.
Serums are made to penetrate the skin deeply, deeper into the cellular level.
They contain a lot of antioxidants, nutrients, and vitamins which help reinvigorate that youthful-looking skin without you having to buy expensive products in the market or do any cosmetic surgery.
Now that’s expensive and risky!
I Got Fooled So That You Wouldn’t!
Have you ever been in a situation when your intention of going to the mall was just to window shop?
Well, that was what I originally planned…
Until I got fooled.
It wasn’t an absolute rip-off. The product was great, but I paid more for the label rather than the product.
Sounds familiar?
I bought a $120.00 beauty set, not because I was so amazed by the product (It’s a great product) but because the salesgirl was very persistent – even her manager went in on her little charade!
Their acting wasn’t that great (I kept mentally rolling my eyes throughout the conversation), but they threw in a lot of expensive freebies – and I was hooked.
So, there I was, at the counter, paying $120.00!

Gaaaaahhh! The horror!
I know, I wanted to cry too!
I learned my lesson the most expensive way, so you don’t have to.
4 things I gained on my anti-aging face serum beauty ride!
While doing the serum project and furthering my beauty knowledge, I’ve come up with 4 points to ponder.

1. Beauty beyond brands without breaking the budget!
You know by now that the growing market for beauty products has increased exponentially.
There are a lot of choices that you need to make when you decide to purchase beauty essentials.
Even the most simple face wash carry its own set of problems.
There are just a lot of ingredients to consider
Is the component suitable for my face type?
Will I get allergies when I use this?
Why is it so expensive?! Ugh!
I’ve learned that you don’t have to spend much to get the full effect.

I always consider the reviews and prices when I look for products.
If you can’t find the specific product you’re looking for, then chica, it’s high time to make your own!
Do what I did, create my own, and get the result I always wanted.
The best part about making your own is you can personalize it the way you want without breaking your budget!
2. Carrier oils carry essential oils!
It’s so obvious why it’s called carrier oils, simply because they carry the essential oil deep down to your skin.
Simple as that!
Carrier oils are used as a base.
Same as applying your makeup. Before applying it, always use a makeup base like foundations or primers.
This is important to have a smooth and even skin surface (like a beautiful blank canvas) for your makeup.
3. Dilute your essentials!
Why? Can’t I use the essential oils directly to get the full advantage?
Well, I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but it’s a big no-no to apply essential oils directly on the skin without diluting it.

Essential oils are concentrated, so to make them safe for the skin, it’s a must to dilute them.
If you apply it to the skin directly, you probably will get nasty skin irritations.
So yes! It’s important to dilute your essentials.
4. Less is always more!
Picture this, you’re in an All You Can Eat restaurant. You get to satisfy your big girl cravings.
You see the seafood section! Ugh! Delish!!!
When my friends ask me if I’m on a diet, I always tell them that I’m on a seafood diet because every time I SEE food – I eat! BOOM! *mic drop* (HAHAHA – clever girl!)
Okay, back to the buffet.
Prawns! Shrimps! Fish! Shellfish! And all types of seafood you can imagine just waiting for you to scoff!
But wait! You’re allergic to them!
So what do you do? I know you always have your medicine but do you rely on your prescription and just say, seize the buffet moment?
No, right? You’re not willing to put yourself at risk.

So you just take a little. This way, you can satisfy your craving without giving yourself a free trip to the ER.
Like the serum, you just need a small amount to lather your face.
They’re already concentrated, so you don’t need to put a lot more!
Less is always more!
The proof is in the pudding!

You don’t have to worry about me forcefully persuading you to do this or letting you spend too much to make yourself more beautiful.
I repeat, MORE beautiful because you already are!
I made my anti-aging face serum for around $4.00 and still got excellent results.
For the record, I’m not trying to be biased just because I made it myself, but the truth is, it really helped improve the moisture on my face, and I felt a difference.
Okay, okay. You might think I’m just so full of myself.
Don’t believe me?
Try it for yourself!