There are a few different types of coffee filters that you can use with your coffee maker. These include paper, cloth, and metal filters.
All of these work in a similar way but they each have their own unique qualities that make them better for certain situations than others.
Whether it is good or bad, or gray, grey (however you spell it, haha!)
We need to make choices. Sometimes the choices we make are so awesome that we feel empowered by them and nothing can ever ruin our mood.
And sometimes they’re bad that we are left to deal with the consequences.
So what is it with choices?

Why am I talking about this?
Well because, in this article, you and I are going to deal with choices. Specifically, coffee filter choices.
Okay, here’s the deal,
There are a lot of coffee filters out there.
Not only will you have to consider the kind of beans you want to use for your coffee, but you also need to know which coffee filter is best for you.
Well don’t worry my friend, I’ll help you narrow your choices.
In this coffee filter feat, I will share with you my experience in using the different types of coffee filters, the realizations I had, and which one is the best for me.
By the way, I purchased all of my coffee filters online.
I’m sure coffee shops sell them too, I was just a bit lazy to go out and about to find them.
Oi, don’t judge!
I sometimes prefer in taking advantage of using today’s technology while being in the comforts of my lovely, humble abode.
Just because everyone is doing it, doesn’t mean you also need to follow them!
Not everyone has the same taste. Not even twins!
Some of you might want your coffee light and creamy, or dark and nutty.
Others might even be obsessed with the 3-in-1 instant coffees.

What I’m trying to say is that you have full control over which suits you best.
All I’ll do here is guide you and give my opinion of each coffee filter I’ve tried. Okay, so let’s start!
Blah! Why do these coffee filters taste so papery?
Remember when you first wore your imaginary beanie and experimented with manual coffee-making?
You took out the Pour-Over Coffee maker that you just did yourself when you read my previous blog about how an average girl like me made my own pour-over coffee maker.
Wait, what? You haven’t? Go and check it out later!
Or your ever-beautiful French Press that you and your coworker bought together cause it was on a buy one take one sale.
You went home all excited to brew a perfect cup.
You hurriedly pranced your way to your kitchen, unboxed your purchase, and laid out everything on the kitchen top.
Then you placed your freshly ground coffee beans over the filter, poured the freshly boiled water over the beans, and waited patiently for your cup to be filled with oh-so-rich coffee.
Finally, it’s done!
And then you smell the sweet, rich aroma of coffee in the air.
Then you finally sip it…
A few seconds in on the sip and then, blah!

Wait, blah!
Why does it have a papery aftertaste?!
And then all your hopes and dreams of becoming a coffee enthusiast is now going down the drain just like the rest of your coffee.
Such a cruel, cruel world!
How do you remove the papery taste in the coffee filters?
As I have said, it’s important to “wet” your paper filter before using it.

What your doing is actually rinsing the paper filter to remove the papery taste.
Not only are you rinsing the paper, but you’re also preheating your brewing device.
Now, this seems to be a tedious task to do but you do this and you’ll never get that papery aftertaste anymore!
Say goodbye to papery aftertastes!.
Unbleached Coffee Filters

Unbleached coffee filters don’t require a lot of processing which means, they are better not only for you but also for the environment.
My best advice when you choose to use an unbleached coffee filter is that you should always remember to “wet” the paper first. Why?
Well, wetting your paper filter will help remove the papery aftertaste.
Some of you might have a really sensitive taste bud, so wetting it twice would be preferable.
So how does it taste?
When I first brewed my coffee using an unbleached coffee filter, I “wet” or rinsed the paper twice just to be sure I won’t get the papery aftertaste.
Unbleached coffee filters have a strong aroma with a rich, sweet taste.
So if you want your coffee like that, try using unbleached coffee filters.
And remember! Always choose high-quality paper filters.
Oxygen-bleached Coffee Filters

Back in the ’80s, bleached coffee filters were considered dangerous because of the chemicals it has been exposed to.
Luckily, the amount of chemical used to bleach the filter nowadays is just a small amount. But it is powerful enough to whiten it.
Nowadays, it has been widely accepted as safe to use for brewing.
And the best thing?
The bleaching process will not affect flavor.
You don’t have to fret about changing your paper filter.
There are two types of bleached coffee filters.
One is the most notorious chlorine-bleached coffee filter.
Whenever I hear the word chlorine, I will instantly relate it as part of kitchen cleaning supplies.

The other one is the oxygen-bleached paper filter.
Oxygen bleaching is known to be more natural of the two.
So how does it taste?
I used the oxygen-bleached coffee filter for this experiment
I “wet” or rinse the paper just once to be sure I won’t get the papery aftertaste.
This is because, unlike the unbleached paper filter, the oxygen-bleached paper filter already went through a lot of processes.
Oxygen-bleached coffee filters have a strong aroma with a rich, sweeter taste.
Choose oxygen-bleached coffee filters if you want your coffee like that.
And remember! Always choose high-quality paper filters.
Oxygen-bleached is usually a sign of a higher quality bleached filter.
Did you know that the kind of coffee filters you use affect your health?

Oh, you didn’t? Then I have great news for you!
Did you know that paper filters actually help control cholesterol?
Really chica? Yep!
So what is it with paper filters?
Paper coffee filters absorb the cafestol.
Cafestol is in the oily part of coffee which is a stimulator of bad cholesterol known as LDL (Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol).
Instead of consuming the bad cholesterol in your coffee while drinking, the paper filter basically captures it for you so what you’ll get is a rich, healthier version of coffee.
The next time you feel like brewing amazing coffee, try using coffee paper filters. It can really help you control your cholesterol level.
RELATED: 7 Best Coffee Benefits 2022
I love the environment, so how does a girl like me show my care for the planet?

If there’s one thing I’d love to do, it’s that I’d love to care for the environment, even with the smallest things.
Saying no single-use plastics.
Reducing the use of paper.
Saying no to straws.
Bringing my own reusable bag when I go shopping.
I may not be able to save the world, but hey! I’m doing my part cause I care.
I’m actually hoping that I’d be able to influence the people around me into being sensitive about the planet without me having to force the idea.
So why am I talking about this?
Because baby girl, the next two filters are permanent filters.

They’re amazing for the environment because you don’t have to dispose of them every single time. That means no trees have been hurt in the making and they don’t contribute to a mountain of garbage.
Metal Coffee Filters

Metal filters have been used in a lot of brewing methods lately from the most intricate drip coffee to the easiest espresso.
So what’s the beauty of using metal filters?
Firstly, it can be used over and over again without easily degrading it.
And the best part? You only need 1 metal filter to brew for a thousand years.
You can actually use this as a family heirloom that you’ll be able to pass down from one generation to the other.
Isn’t that cool?
Secondly, cleaning it up is very easy.
What I do with mine is I only rinse it because I believe that the coffee residues actually enhance the flavor of the coffee for my next brew.
So how does it taste?
If you want a fuller, richer flavor, then using metal coffee filters are great for that reason.
Unlike the paper filters, they let the most important parts of the coffee seep through the metal mesh.
They produce a stronger and darker cup of coffee.
Metal coffee filters allow small granules to drip down your cup allowing important oils to flow freely down your cup to get that perfect brew.
So if you want just that, start brewing with a metal baby girl!
Cloth Coffee Filters

Cloth coffee filters are more popular in some parts of North America and Asia. They’ve been using it since the beginning.
Well not really, but you get my point that it’s been used years ago; even before my great grandparents were born.
Cloth coffee filters or best known as sock filters are made from finely weaved cloths.
I’ve read in a lot of coffee blogs that it’s harder to clean out cloth coffee filters because you have to wash them very well to get rid of the day’s brew for you to get a clean brew for the next batch.
It’s a must!
A must for you to clean it properly.

You also have to remember to don’t let them dry out or too moist for too long.
Well, I say, whatever actually works for you.
What I do is that I just rinse my cloth filter just enough to get the grounds off the cloth.
I’ve realized that by doing so, it enhances the flavor of the next brew.
That’s just me though, again… It’s all on you what you’re going to do.
So how does it taste?
Basically, cloth coffee filters are a more permanent version of paper coffee filters.
So if you want to brew a strong flavored coffee but do not have to worry about throwing a filter for every new brew, then my friend, a cloth coffee filter is best for you.
The cloth coffee filter brews a sweet, milder cup of coffee.
So little chica, Which of the coffee filters is best for your taste?

Okay, I can’t really say which one is best for you because I really don’t know what kind of palette you have but…
Don’t fret!
I’ll help you discover which one you might fall in love with.
I used to teach English online to people (specifically businessmen) who are struggling with the language or just want to enhance their English.
One of the topics that I tought him was finding out the best solution when faced with a problem at work. And the best way to approach this type of issue is to keep asking questions.
It may sound weird but let me tell you, It really works!
So I’m hoping that the following questions will help you with your coffee filter conundrum.
Do you like your coffee strong enough to awaken the inner beast in you?

Then I say choose a metal coffee filter.
Not only does it brew a strong cup of coffee, but you don’t have to throw away any filter afterward.
Do you love your coffee as mild as a baby’s bathwater?

Then go for either paper or cloth coffee filters.
Because they’re able to absorb more of the grounds and oils in the beans, then you’re left with a mild, sweeter cup.
Do you love drinking coffee without worrying about your cholesterol?
Then the best filter to choose is the paper filter.
Paper coffee filters absorb the cafestol.
Cafestol is in the oily part of coffee which is a stimulator of bad cholesterol known as LDL (Low-density lipoprotein cholesterol).

The paper filter captures the bad cholesterol for you and leaves you with a healthier version of coffee.
Do you worry about the coffee filters you often dispose of and how it piles up into the mountains of waste?
If you’re like me who loves the environment and will always be helping save our planet, then this is the best option for you my friend!
Use the more permanent coffee filters like metal and cloth coffee filters.
Not only does it reduce waste but it also saves you a lot of money in the long run.
You will be reducing the pile of waste while piling up on cash you save by choosing the more permanent filters!
It’s a win-win situation for you and the rest of the plan!
Coffee Filters; It’s your choice to choose whatever you want!

Choose what you want and not what others think!
A lot of people have different opinions on certain situations.
May it be your work,
Your family affairs,
Or even your love life!
Same with the kind of coffee you want to brew.
There are a lot of “Best ways to brew your coffee” and other topics like that but in the end, it always depends on what is best for you. So go ahead, mi amigo!
Continue experimenting until you find the best brew for you.
Don’t forget to share with me your thoughts about this!